Date: October 31, 2009
From: Prospect, Kentucky (Near Louisville)
To: Prospect, Kentucky
Miles Today: 0 miles
TOTAL MILES: 2,953 miles
Top Speed on this trip: 54.1 mph
Weather: Comfortable with a rainy evening
License Plates Collected: 5 Montana, 8 Wyoming (2 motorcycle) and 1 Idaho (found in WY), 2 Colorado, 1 Kansas (Gifted from David of Baldwin City), 1 Missouri (To be sent to Grammy’s by our new buddy, Kansas City firefighter Shawn), 1 Illinois, 3 Kentucky (2 Gifted from of Beth and Garry Feltus and one gifted from cousin John)
Flats: 8
Broken Spokes: 3
Cracked Rim: 1
What an awesome day! Not only did we have an amazing time celebrating Halloween with the cousins but we also got a visit from our long lost buddy and former roommate, Mike Landes who has been living up in Cincinnati, Ohio. Mike showed up around 11:00 A.M. and we just spent the day getting caught up. It has been at least 10 years since we've seen him. In addition, Mike's cousin Julie and her kids Ashley and Colton were able to come by for an unexpected visit. The rain last night created a soggy field resulting in the cancellation of Colton's football game. We were sorry he had to miss his game but happy that we had an opportunity to visit with Julie and meet the kids. (We met Julie's husband Mark back on Thursday at the Circle K as we were riding into town...)
When Mike and I finished our 1994 bike tour and ended up back in our college town of Chico, California, we moved in with Mike Landes for a while and later the situation reversed and Mike Landes came to live with us in our little 900 square foot house on Arbutus Ave., also in Chico. You can imagine we got to know each other pretty well living in such close quarters. Suffice it to say that we have a lot of fond memories of our time living together not to mention from the various jobs and internships that Mike Landes and I did together during our college years, including work for Gallo Sales Co. out of South San Francisco and working a couple of Apple Computer, Inc. nationwide trade shows.
Mike Landes and I took the kids on a walk down to the clubhouse/playground in the afternoon and had a great time visiting and playing with the kids. Of course I took a bunch of pictures and Mike teased me about this but he knows this about me and I'm sure didn't expect that much had changed. At the park around 4:30 P.M. a van loaded with pint-sized trick-or-treaters and their parents asked us when the festivities began around here. Of course we weren't much help but seeing them made us realize things must get started before dark around here. We hightailed it back home and started to get dressed up. It seemed early but it took some time and before we could get our group picture we had trick-or-treaters coming to the door. The men stayed home to hand out candy and Kim and I walked around with the kids for about three hours. This still put us back at the house around 8:30 P.M. and we had all evening to visit. The kids ran from house to house this whole time and carried off a lot of loot. Mike and Mike said they had a fun time checking out all of the costumes while they handed out candy and it was fun for me to walk up to the porch and see the two of them sitting there together just like old times back in Chico. Today brought back a lot of great memories and also made many new ones. What a terrific Halloween we had!
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