My house has been in utter chaos for the better part of 2009 including bathroom remodels, interior and exterior painting and misc. home repairs. While teaching third grade full time I spent my evenings, weekends, and all of spring break, going through our belongings with an eye towards the initial garage sale to purge us of all non-essentials. When Mike says to get ready for a sale he means business! At our sale on April 18th one customer commented, "How can you get rid of these things?" Well, it is not difficult to part with "the stuff" in our lives because frankly it is just "stuff" and honestly it means another day of adventure for our family. We're glad our things can be used and treasured by others. Even Gregory was able to part with his toys fairly easily (it has gotten easier as we get closer to our goal). He does draw the line at his Legos, stuffed animal friends, his shell and rock collections and certain books. We are proud of his generosity and thrilled with his enthusiasm for an adventuring lifestyle.